It’s a scary thing going out there on your own and not having a clear idea about how you’re going to get work. But sometimes you just have to have enough belief in yourself that you can do it, that it’s the right thing for you.
After becoming self employed in July 2014 I was lucky enough to get a big project that took up the best part of a year, but (as it does), this has come to an end, and I’m now in the very real position of having to forge things on my own. Welcome then, to my new website! *waves pom poms* I’m so excited to be launching this and being able to support businesses to do great people stuff!
One of the biggest things I’ve learned over the past few years is that I really need to keep up with the trends, the new ideas, the ways in which my profession can help to future proof HR and businesses to adapt to the changing world of work . It’s been a challenge in some ways, to throw out the chintz and see that there is a better way, not necessarily for all businesses, but for a lot of them. Thankfully, I haven’t had to change my thinking on all things. Take Neil Morrison’s recent blog about simple ways to make recruitment better. These things are a basic courtesy, and something that I’ve been bleating on about in previous roles to managers, team members and basically anyone who will listen! It all comes down to treating people as people and having some regard for their feelings, and the way in which they’ll view your company. That’s not something to be taken lightly. A friend of mine has recently been at the rough end of poor recruiters, both recruitment agencies and large well known household names. Is it really that difficult to send an automated email or return a phone call….?
I’ll be sharing my musings and learning on a periodic basis, and hopefully it might be of interest. I’ll throw in some of the employment law stuff when required too. If you want to hear more on a regular basis, follow me on twitter or get in touch. I’d love to hear from you!